Hey, beautiful LO Fans!
Here's a bit of LO trivia: No new reviews have been added to the Lil' Outlaws website for a couple of years. Weird, right? I know you're all bursting with love for All The LO Things, and are dying to have a creative outlet to share your love. Overkill? No?
At any rate, I know there is a lot of love for LO. The interwebz doesn't always know it, because you tell me in reorders and sweet e-mails and messages you send between middle-of-the-night feedings. I treasure those thoughtful comments, because you didn't have to take the time to write something. But you chose to, and that means the world to me. Thank you, dear customers.
I'd love to publish your sweet words, so I thought to myself, I bet the good people of LO Land would be happy to write up a review for me. But I want to thank them for their time, so I'll offer a giveaway. Ergo, I dusted off my mad Rafflecopter skillz, and viola! Contest and Giveaway!
This week's focus is specifically for Rump Rub. Don't worry, if your true love is Pail Pardner or something else delightful, you'll get your chance to gush about them too. Overkill again? I guess I got the dramatic gene in the family. Anyhooo...Rump Rub is incredibly versatile, making it a great prize to win no matter how old the youngest buns in the house may be. We have no diaper-clad babes in the house, but we still keep a stick of it handy.
Once you've commented on this here blog, it's already public, but just so we are all on the same page: Commenting below serves as your permission to use your review and first name on the Lil' Outlaws website as well as any social media sites used to promote Lil' Outlaws. We good? Good.
Thanks for being the best customers on the face of the planet.
Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway