Friday, January 31, 2014

Spread The LOVE!

Welcome to Lil' Outlaws in the blogosphere! Aren't we gettin' fancy?!?

You guys. I'm seriously excited. I know you can't see me, but you just have to imagine a "jump the couch" situation.

Or maybe you'd rather not.

Aaaaaaanyway, February is dripping with sappy poems and long-stemmed red roses and wine that doesn't come in a box. In the LO household it looks something like this: Pointing out a Valentine's Day card to my husband and saying, "If I were to buy a card, that's the one I would have gotten. Which one would you have gotten for me?"

Anyone relate?

Since I don't want to leave you without a precious Valentine's poem...

Roses are red,
diapers get stinky.
Spread the love,
and win free stuff.*

We're kicking things off with FREE stuff, because why not? Will you help me spread the love? Start sharing and clicking to win a $30 gift certificate to LO!! (Follow the link to Rafflecopter below)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Eat your heart out, Hallmark.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Great give-away! I'll be glad to share and give my friends a chance to try your wonderful products.


Chime in!