Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Summer Fragrances Are Here!!

OK, so I know Summer isn't actually here yet, but flowers are blooming, blue sky is beckoning, sand is begging to have toes sunk into its warmth...

It's time.

Limited edition Summer Fragrances must be released. There is simply no way around it. The longer days and the blooming flowers demand it.

Enjoy the following scents this Summer:
Beach Bum
Beach Daisies
Breezes & Sunshine
Hawaiian Suntan


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Spring has Sprung!

We've all got Spring cleaning staring us down, and Spring Fever calling us out.

You and I want to lay outside in hammocks and read.

Meanwhile the walls need a good scrubbing, mattresses need flipping and airing, and we need to finally face the music. And by "music" I mean the scary, dark crevices under the sink. To make our Spring cleaning go smoother and bring a smile to our faces, how 'bout a little Smelly Goodness to banish musty smells? Through this weekend (May 10th), get 15% off your LO order!